Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Gardener's Supply Company

While in Vermont, I made two garden-related visits: one to the Intervale area in Burlington, and one to the Vermont Wildflower Farm in Charlotte.

Intervale is home to The Gardener’s Supply Co., a retail nursery and garden store; several organic garden markets whose produce I saw for sale in a local shop; and a commercial composting facility.

The Gardener’s Supply Co. is by far the largest retail garden center I have ever been in with row upon row of seeds, tools, composters, accessories, decorative items, books, and plants. If there were a store like this within driving distance, I could give up my internet shopping addiction. Or maybe not.

I was dazzled by the demonstration gardens. The ornamental gardens were filled with beautiful plants I could never grow here in the desert; especially impressive during this time were the peonies. I could be jealous, but I will just remember that I can grow better watermelons here.

Despite the lack of melons (which they are probably pulling out of a greenhouse now just to spite me), the vegetable gardens were also impressive. There was a disappointing lack of negative signage, but people left the ripe strawberries on the plants just the same. One west Texan, however, did nearly step on the leopard frog under-gardener and then his partner furthered the terror by chasing him down for a photo. She was unsuccessful so all you get is text.

Behind the demonstration water garden, I spied a trailhead for what I understand is a gravel bicycle trail through the Intervale area. I have a sneaking suspicion that even my bikes would love this nursery. "Save us from this garage hell," I hear them cry. "We want to be free."

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