Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wind assaults the desert garden

The garden villain du jour is wind, wind, wind. Stir-up-the-pollen-and-dust wind. Down-the-trees wind. Knock-out-the-power wind. Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed, this calls for Gotham's Dynamic Duo.

The wind rattles the windows late at night. Bam! The wind burns the pea leaves. Zap! The nasturtiums and lettuce sprout. Zamm! The gardener expands the vegetable bed. Whack! The crepe myrtle leafs out. Sock! The gardeners put up a sun shelter. Pow! The wind bends the new sun shelter. Crunch! The pomegranate is budding. Sock!

In some idyllic garden land, April showers bring May flowers, but in El Paso, April winds bring summertime scorching. Can the peas produce their pods before the onslaught? Can the cucumbers sprout and survive the sun? Will the new shrubs bake under their gravel mulch? Tune in next time, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.

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